Growthlog by Tomas Laurinavicius

Growthlog Newsletter ✨🌵

Documenting growth experiments in life and work.

Growthlog Newsletter

Growth marketing ideas for founders, side project enthusiasts, and weekend makers.

Past issues: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Diego Bejarano Gerke
“Incredible Value“

Tomas is simply a mind blowing person. Nothing in moderation. If he decides to do something, he's all in. I've had the pleasure to get to know Tomas personally and professionally, and seen his exceptional discipline in everything he does. Do yourself the favour and tune in to these carefully curated weekly updates. They are full of nuggets of wisdom and new insights.

— Diego Bejarano Gerke, Co-Founder at WiFi Tribe
Marc Eglon
“Unconventional Wisdom“

Cool tools, and stories to help you suck the marrow out your short stint on this majestic little planet. Tomas spends his days actually living the designed life - travelling around the world, writing, working, swimming in lagoons, and looking like a Greek statue.

— Marc Eglon, Founder of Letterlist
Marc Eglon
“One of My Favorites“

I've been a fan of Tomas and his work for years and continue to read everything he puts out. His new newsletter, Growthlog, is one of the few newsletter I read every time it hits my inbox. It's insanely practical and wonderfully inspirational at the same time. Recommended!

— Nick Wignall, Psychologist and Founder of The Friendly Mind